Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Back then...

I'm feeling a little nostalgic and hearing about Fandi Ahmad and his new book brought back a truckload of memories from my childhood days.

I remember soccer used to be such a huge part of my life when i was really young. I remember going to S-league matches with my brothers and dad and screaming our lungs out and blowing whistles etc. I recall those days where we'd be so psyched up for a match between Woodlands and Geylang. And how we'd all support geylang cos fandi ahmad was playing for them then and well, he was like this legend to us kids back then. Some untouchable hero. And we'd boo at woodlands cos their club was usually filled with bad ang mohs! (in the eyes of a kid anyway). And how my family would wave the large Geylang flag and i'd gloat (mentally) cos no one within close proximity would have a geylang flag like we did. :)

Or the nights when we'd wait outside tampines stadium wishing desperately to get a ticket to watch Tampines Rovers play cos mum wouldn't buy tickets for us. We ended up just queing to get in and were denied entry anyway. I remember how devestated we were each time we were denied entry (yes, we kept queing and queing again! Kids. Don't judge.). We'd end up watching through the Gate bars like the small pathetic soccer-crazed kids we were.

I remember (not so clearly) those times when things seemed so simple. How our world revolved around soccer matches, pokemon cards, tamiya cars and Digimon & Pokemon shirts (yup, i used to wear ONLY digimon and pokemon shirts. Omg dont tell anyone okay! hahahaha)

Good times, good times.

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