okay, many many things to update. Feast your eyes, people.
TKPS P5 CAMP '08 (23rd - 25th May)
Cedar Guides mainly went to help facilitate this camp. Yea(:
I was overall i/c together with may, deryn, miao xiang, melissa and khad! i was attached to team 29 aka DESPAIR DEVILS. :D Theme for camp this year : Everyday Super Heroes. (a hero in everyone). Yea, so basically all the games were called missions to better suit the theme. Oh, and another guide attached to my team aswell was Charlene! (:
In my team were, kimberly (Team leader), Ainul (ast. team leader), ryan, jing yu, hilman, shahrul, humaira, daniel and one more i can't rmb =/
Mission 1: Cooperari
Okay, first activity was "Cooperari". Students had to blow up bubbles and then join them together to form a huge "tunnel" for all to crawl through. Oh gosh, we had to give instructions and apparently, i didn't do a very good job at it);
A boy from my group, Shahrul, went up stage to compete for BIGGEST balloon. But Sadly, the judges were kinda blind! GRRRR. ANYWAY, i thought it was pretty gross when p5 boys used their saliva to cover up the holes of the balloons before they blow it up to make sure there won't be holes and when the bubble's all blown, you can see saliva trickling down the balloon. What's worse, they even pass it(their bubbles) to me for me to join them all up together. Oh well.
Mission 2: Orpheus aka nightwalk!
I was incharge of station #1 (above hall). Yea, but i was like busy being a safety marshall i didn't really scare ppl much): So basically, imagine a long narrow walkway with two doors at opposite ends, entrance and exit. Kids enter, see an enlarged image of a baby being hung on the wall and yada yada yada. Then they exit and have to go down 3 stories of stairs in pitch darkness, with a few lightsticks on the floor being exceptions.
Hah, okay i admit afterawhile of marshalling i got bored. =/ so i went to scare ppl abit. Hid myself in a cage-like place under the stairs at 1st floor. Used some wooden instrument from sabah (HAHA! that's what it said outside the box i found it) and hit the railings of the cage to make some funny sound. HEE, one kid even POWER-RANGERED me can!
Amirah: BOOO!
Kid: Don't come close! I can power ranger you!! *does power ranger action with his hands*
Okay, so overall there were 10 stations. The scariest i heard was the 4th lever girls' bathroom toilet station. My personal fav would be the one at the fields
GOOD JOB PEOPLE!! (whether you safety-marshalled or work your esses of scaring kids!) :DD
I slept at two plus. Woke up at 3plus to do night duty. Didnt sleep well. Keep waking up thruout the night.
In-charge of the get-everyone-across-to-the-other-side-using-mats-and-no-one's-feet-to-be-touching-the-ground game. Yea, but i didn't stay on long. Went to patrol around. Yea and yea.
Okay, basically they had to walk/crawl in the drains located at their sch's field. SO FUN CAN!
okay, many many things to update. Feast your eyes, people.
TKPS P5 CAMP '08 (23rd - 25th May)
Cedar Guides mainly went to help facilitate this camp. Yea(:
I was overall i/c together with may, deryn, miao xiang, melissa and khad! i was attached to team 29 aka DESPAIR DEVILS. :D Theme for camp this year : Everyday Super Heroes. (a hero in everyone). Yea, so basically all the games were called missions to better suit the theme. Oh, and another guide attached to my team aswell was Charlene! (:
In my team were, kimberly (Team leader), Ainul (ast. team leader), ryan, jing yu, hilman, shahrul, humaira, daniel and one more i can't rmb =/
Mission 1: Cooperari
Okay, first activity was "Cooperari". Students had to blow up bubbles and then join them together to form a huge "tunnel" for all to crawl through. Oh gosh, we had to give instructions and apparently, i didn't do a very good job at it);
A boy from my group, Shahrul, went up stage to compete for BIGGEST balloon. But Sadly, the judges were kinda blind! GRRRR. ANYWAY, i thought it was pretty gross when p5 boys used their saliva to cover up the holes of the balloons before they blow it up to make sure there won't be holes and when the bubble's all blown, you can see saliva trickling down the balloon. What's worse, they even pass it(their bubbles) to me for me to join them all up together. Oh well.
Mission 2: Orpheus aka nightwalk!
I was incharge of station #1 (above hall). Yea, but i was like busy being a safety marshall i didn't really scare ppl much): So basically, imagine a long narrow walkway with two doors at opposite ends, entrance and exit. Kids enter, see an enlarged image of a baby being hung on the wall and yada yada yada. Then they exit and have to go down 3 stories of stairs in pitch darkness, with a few lightsticks on the floor being exceptions.
Hah, okay i admit afterawhile of marshalling i got bored. =/ so i went to scare ppl abit. Hid myself in a cage-like place under the stairs at 1st floor. Used some wooden instrument from sabah (HAHA! that's what it said outside the box i found it) and hit the railings of the cage to make some funny sound. HEE, one kid even POWER-RANGERED me can!
Amirah: BOOO!
Kid: Don't come close! I can power ranger you!! *does power ranger action with his hands*
Okay, so overall there were 10 stations. The scariest i heard was the 4th lever girls' bathroom toilet station. My personal fav would be the one at the fields
GOOD JOB PEOPLE!! (whether you safety-marshalled or work your esses of scaring kids!) :DD
I slept at two plus. Woke up at 3plus to do night duty. Didnt sleep well. Keep waking up thruout the night.
In-charge of the get-everyone-across-to-the-other-side-using-mats-and-no-one's-feet-to-be-touching-the-ground game. Yea, but i didn't stay on long. Went to patrol around. Yea and yea.
Okay, basically they had to walk/crawl in the drains located at their sch's field. SO FUN CAN!
Haha, some guides were busy shoving in the fake slimy huge caterpillar and scaring the kids. Some were shouting their voices away! ahaha, and melissa was going around with her huge obscene water gun! which can't shoot strongly at all. hahhaha(:
Mission 8: NIGHT GLOWWWW! aka campfire
Ahh. Melissa, clarissa (hey, their name rhymes :D)and me last minue emceed! So sudden can. We only knew less than an hour before campfire. Sorry if we were like dead or smtg..(based on comments we received!) I guess we were tired? =/ Yess, anyway the campers had to write down each of their fears onpost-its which was later pasted on this cardboard villain and then burned in the campfire. Yea, cool though like almost all the sec3s were worrying ourselves out with the strong fire.
After that, some kind soul-ed sec3s went to help clear the remains of the campfire. (((: Gosh, you guys just rock. And the i/cs stayed up quite late banding the staffs, while sharing chocolate sundaes, teh tariks and listening to when you look me in the eyes by jonas brothers over and over again. :D
Mission 9: detonation
somesort of amazing race around sch. They had to kinda crack a code and order of the codes. Yeaaaaa.
TKPS camp rocked to the rocks man! Ahhh, and i was so touched on the last day. A girl from my group left a message for me on the banner. ahh(: and and i was suuuuper awed when after going up stage to collect the token of appreciation from their principal, mr wilbur wong the whole guides company present were standing up and doing the cedar guides cheer so loudly. That was the happiest moment for me during camp!
OKAY OKAY. Special messages to:
OKAY OKAY. Special messages to:
Melissa: For being crappy and taking initiative and testing out the drains, putting the banners in the drains :]
MiaoXiang : For being MIAOMIAO. ahahah(: and being a wonderful person to sleep beside
May: For being my drinking partner! Ahaha, remember all the pepsi and teh tariks! and for slacking around with me :]
Khadija: HEH, you know what we did in the room while everyone was outside :]
deryn: For being you. (:
Joazrina, Rabia, Rezi : For ATTEMPTING to teach me chess =.="
Sarah: for snoring so loudly. AHAHAH. jkjk :] thanks for radiating off heat while i slept beside you. I very cold whaat. HEH:D
Kemei: For giving me confidence and assuring me that i didn't screw up whatever it is i do :]
AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO HELPED OUT IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. *big wet sloppy kisses from amirah!*
okay, this will go on forever..PICS NOW!
Scary-looking dummy babies
(from top left-clockwise: Me, Ryan, Hilman, Jing Yu, Shahrul, Daniel, I forgot her name, ainul, humaira and kimberly)
Thanks AINUL! :D
I still have yet to blog about:
1)Geog field trip to sungei buloh and Bukit timah
2) SLC
3) exco meeting #1
4)Sunflower patrol outing
5)Msia trip with parents
6) SLC outing!